
You can see the actual code file here. The .xml for Musikalische Wurfelspiele is here. A PDF of an annotated score sorted by output measures is here.

from music21 import converter, stream, clef, meter, bar
import random

init function to parse MusikalischeWurfelspiele.xml and split the single stream of 176 measures into 176 streams each of one measure.

def init():

Parse the "Musikalische Wurfelspiele" instruction score.

    s = converter.parse('MusikalischeWurfelspiele.xml')

Split score into measures.

    measures = [stream.Stream() for i in range(176)]
    for part in
        for i, this_measure in enumerate(part.getElementsByClass('Measure')):

chance table--each row corresponds to the option for a single measure in the output

    table = [[96, 32, 69, 40, 148, 104, 152, 119, 98, 3, 54],
             [22, 6, 95, 17, 74, 157, 60, 84, 142, 87, 130],
             [141, 128, 158, 113, 163, 27, 171, 114, 42, 165, 10],
             [41, 63, 13, 85, 45, 167, 53, 50, 156, 61, 103],
             [105, 146, 153, 161, 80, 154, 99, 140, 75, 135, 28],
             [122, 46, 55, 2, 97, 68, 133, 86, 129, 47, 37],
             [11, 134, 110, 159, 36, 118, 21, 169, 62, 147, 106],
             [30, 81, 24, 100, 107, 91, 127, 94, 123, 33, 5],
             [70, 117, 66, 90, 25, 138, 16, 120, 65, 102, 35],
             [121, 39, 139, 176, 143, 71, 155, 88, 77, 4, 20],
             [26, 126, 15, 7, 64, 150, 57, 48, 19, 31, 108],
             [9, 56, 132, 34, 125, 29, 175, 166, 82, 164, 92],
             [112, 174, 73, 67, 76, 101, 43, 51, 137, 144, 12],
             [49, 18, 58, 160, 136, 162, 168, 115, 38, 59, 124],
             [109, 116, 145, 52, 1, 23, 89, 72, 149, 173, 44],
             [14, 83, 79, 170, 93, 151, 172, 111, 8, 78, 131]]
    return (measures, table)

Make a random choice from each of the 16 rows of the chance table.

def generate_selections(table):
    selections = []
    for row in table:
        index = random.randint(0, 5) + random.randint(0, 5)
    return selections

measures is a list of 176 streams of a single measure each. selections is a list corresponding to 16 of the 176 measure streams.

Returns out, which is a stream consisting of the 16 selected measures.

def create_waltz(measures, selections):

Use selections to create output.

    out = stream.Stream()
    for i in range(2):
        p = stream.Part()
        for selection in selections:
            p.append(measures[selection - 1][i])
        out.insert(0, p)
    return out

Add clefs and time signatures to the waltz (s).

def add_clefs_and_timesignatures(s):
    s[0][0].insert(0, clef.TrebleClef())
    s[1][0].insert(0, clef.BassClef())
    for i in range(2):
        s[i][0].insert(0, meter.TimeSignature('3/8'))

Add repeat signs to the waltz (s).

def add_repeats(s):
    for i in range(2):
        for m in [0, 8]:
            s[i][m].leftBarline = bar.Repeat(direction='start')
        for m in [7, 15]:
            s[i][m].rightBarline = bar.Repeat(direction='end')

Generate a new Waltz based on Mozart's "Musikalische Wurfelspiele". measures is a list of 176 streams of a single measure each. table is a matrix for the possible selection for each measure of the resulting 16-bar waltz.

def play_the_game(measures, table, show=True):
    selections = generate_selections(table)
    waltz = create_waltz(measures, selections)
    if show == True:
    return waltz

Sorts the possible measures by their location in the resulting waltz into a single music21 stream; e.g. the eleven possible first bars are bars 1 - 11 in the output stream, the eleven possible second bars are bars 12 - 22 in the output stream, and so forth.

def options_by_measures(measures, table, show=True):
    collated_measures = [cell for row in table for cell in row]
    measures_options = create_waltz(measures, collated_measures)
    if show == True:
    return measures_options

Split the instructions into individual measures and grab the chance table.

measures, table = init()

Play the game!

play_the_game(measures, table)

Create score sorted by output measures.

options_by_measures(measures, table)