

Dynamic programming and examples


Example code for recursion, dynamic programming (using memoization), min-cost path problem, and minimal voice leading. (Original code here)

import numpy as np

Fibonacci numbers


Bottom-up approach

def fib(n):

base cases

    if n < 1:
        return 0
    if n in [1, 2]:
        return 1


    a = 1
    b = 1
    for i in range(3, n + 1):
        result = a + b
        a = b
        b = result
    return result

Recursive approach

def fib_recurse(n):

base cases

    if n < 1:
        return 0
    if n in [1, 2]:
        return 1

recursive case

    return fib_recurse(n-2) + fib_recurse(n-1)

Notice that for n > 30 fib_recurse(n) is progressively and significantly slower than fib(n).


Dynamic Programming


Top-down approach (memoization)

memo = {}
def fib_memo(n):

base cases

    if n < 1:
        return 0
    if n in [1, 2]:
        return 1

if problem already solved, find solution in the memo

        return memo[n]

if problem is not in the memo, solve and memoize

    except KeyError:
        memo[n] = fib_memo(n-2) + fib_memo(n-1)
        return memo[n]

Test the timing of the three Fibonacci functions

import time

n = 35

start_time = time.time()
answer = fib(n)
end_time = time.time()
print('fib(%s) = %s' % (n, answer))
print('Answer found in', end_time - start_time, 'ms')

start_time = time.time()
answer = fib_recurse(n)
end_time = time.time()
print('fib_recurse(%s) = %s' % (n, answer))
print('Answer found in', end_time - start_time, 'ms')

start_time = time.time()
answer = fib_memo(n)
end_time = time.time()
print('fib_memo(%s) = %s' % (n, answer))
print('Answer found in', end_time - start_time, 'ms')

Min cost path naive recursion


naïve recursive solution


Given a cost matrix of shape (size) row by col, return the value of the minimum cost path through the matrix.

def min_cost(cost, row, col):

base cases

    if row == 0 and col == 0:
        return cost[row, col]
    if row < 0 or col < 0:
        return float('Inf')

recursive case

    result = cost[row][col] + min(min_cost(cost, row-1, col),
                                  min_cost(cost, row, col-1),
                                  min_cost(cost, row-1, col-1))
    return result

with memoization

memo = {}

Memoized version of min_cost function

def min_cost_memo(cost, row, col):

Base cases

    if row == 0 and col == 0:
        return cost[0][0]
    if row < 0 or col < 0:
        return float('Inf')

check memo

        return memo[(row, col)]

recursive case

    except KeyError:
        result = cost[row][col] + min(min_cost_memo(cost, row, col-1),
                                      min_cost_memo(cost, row-1, col-1),
                                      min_cost_memo(cost, row-1, col))

write result to memo

        memo[(row, col)] = result
        return result

M = np.array([[1, 2, 3],
              [4, 8, 2],
              [1, 5, 3]])

the minimum cost is 8

print('For matrix `M` the minimum cost is', min_cost(M, 2, 2))

N = 10

"A random seed (or seed state, or just seed) is a number (or vector) used to initialize a pseudorandom number generator." – Wikipedia

random_matrix = np.random.random([N, N])
print('random_matrix is')

random_matrix is
[[ 0.37454012 0.95071431 0.73199394 0.59865848 0.15601864 0.15599452
0.05808361 0.86617615 0.60111501 0.70807258]
[ 0.02058449 0.96990985 0.83244264 0.21233911 0.18182497 0.18340451
0.30424224 0.52475643 0.43194502 0.29122914]
[ 0.61185289 0.13949386 0.29214465 0.36636184 0.45606998 0.78517596
0.19967378 0.51423444 0.59241457 0.04645041]
[ 0.60754485 0.17052412 0.06505159 0.94888554 0.96563203 0.80839735
0.30461377 0.09767211 0.68423303 0.44015249]
[ 0.12203823 0.49517691 0.03438852 0.9093204 0.25877998 0.66252228
0.31171108 0.52006802 0.54671028 0.18485446]
[ 0.96958463 0.77513282 0.93949894 0.89482735 0.59789998 0.92187424
0.0884925 0.19598286 0.04522729 0.32533033]
[ 0.38867729 0.27134903 0.82873751 0.35675333 0.28093451 0.54269608
0.14092422 0.80219698 0.07455064 0.98688694]
[ 0.77224477 0.19871568 0.00552212 0.81546143 0.70685734 0.72900717
0.77127035 0.07404465 0.35846573 0.11586906]
[ 0.86310343 0.62329813 0.33089802 0.06355835 0.31098232 0.32518332
0.72960618 0.63755747 0.88721274 0.47221493]
[ 0.11959425 0.71324479 0.76078505 0.5612772 0.77096718 0.4937956
0.52273283 0.42754102 0.02541913 0.10789143]]


Minimum cost for the random_matrix is 3.33835343297

print('Minimum cost for the `random_matrix` is:', 
      min_cost_memo(random_matrix, N-1, N-1))

Finding min-cost path


Min cost path returning memo rather than value

def min_cost_path(cost, row, col):
    memo = {(0, 0): cost[0][0]}

helper function contained with the larger function

    def min_cost_memo(cost, row, col):

base cases

        if row == 0 and col == 0:
            return cost[0][0]
        if row < 0 or col < 0:
            return float('Inf')

recursive case

            return memo[(row, col)]
        except KeyError:
            result = cost[row][col] + min(min_cost_memo(cost, row, col-1),
                                          min_cost_memo(cost, row-1, col-1),
                                          min_cost_memo(cost, row-1, col))
            memo[(row, col)] = result
            return result

call helper function

    min_cost_memo(cost, row, col)

return memo (rather than minimum cost)

    return memo

trackback algorithm


memo is a dictionary created in min_cost_path based on a matrix of shape row by col.

def trackback(memo, row, col):

create a path with the final cell as the initial item

    path = [(row, col)]

continue loop until the last item in the path is the cell (0, 0)

    while path[-1] != (0, 0):
        row, col = path[-1]

consider the neighbors to the left, above, and diagonal

        neighbors = [(row-1, col), (row, col-1), (row-1, col-1)]
        neighbor_costs = []
        for neighbor in neighbors:
                cost = memo[neighbor]

if neighbor is not in memo, the cell is outside of the matrix

            except KeyError:
                cost = float('Inf')

find the neighbor with the minimum cost

        index = np.argmin(neighbor_costs)

append this neighbor to the path

    return path[::-1]

example minimum cost path

path_costs = min_cost_path(M, 2, 2)

Dictionary or memo of minimum path costs for matrix M is
{(0, 0): 1, (1, 0): 5, (2, 0): 6, (0, 1): 3, (1, 1): 9, (2, 1): 10, (0, 2): 6, (1, 2): 5, (2, 2): 8}

print('Dictionary or memo of minimum path costs for matrix `M` is\n', 
path = trackback(path_costs, 2, 2)

Minimum cost path for M is
[(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)]

print('Minimum cost path for `M` is\n', path)

Minimum voice leading


A and B or lists or numpy arrays representing pitch-class sets.

Returns the minimum distance, and tuples for A and B ordered by voices and including any doubled pcs.

For example,

>>> A = [9, 11, 4]
>>> B = [10, 3, 5]
>>> minimal_vl(A, B)
(4.0, (4, 4, 9, 11), (3, 5, 10, 10))

indicating that the total voice-leading distance is 4, and the voice leading contains the following four voices: 4 to 3, 4 to 5, 9 to 10, and 11 to 10.

def minimal_vl(A, B):

Create sorted numpy arrays for each pcset

    A = np.sort(A)
    B = np.sort(B)

Generate a voice-leading matrix of motions from A to all rotations of B

    rows = len(A)
    cols = len(B)
    B_rotations = [np.roll(B, i) for i in range(cols)]
    matrices = [generate_vl_matrix(A, B_rot) for B_rot in B_rotations]

Memo for each voice-leading matrix

    memos = []
    for matrix in matrices:
        memos.append(min_cost_path(matrix, rows, cols))

Find minimal voice-leading distance and path

    min_distances = []
    for i, memo in enumerate(memos):
        min_distances.append(memo[(rows, cols)] - matrices[i][0][0])
    min_index = np.argmin(min_distances)
    path = trackback(memos[min_index], rows, cols)
    B_rot = B_rotations[min_index]
    chord1, chord2 = zip(*[(A[x%rows], B_rot[y%cols]) for x, y in path[:-1]])
    return min_distances[min_index], chord1, chord2

Helper function for minimal_vl. X and Y are lists or numpy arrays representing pc-sets.

Returns a 2D matrix. Rows correspond to X[0], X[1], ... X[-1], X[0]. Columns correspond to Y[0], Y[1], ..., Y[-1], Y[0].

def generate_vl_matrix(X, Y):

Add copy of first pc to the end of the list (circular space)

    X = np.append(X, X[0])
    Y = np.append(Y, Y[0])

Create empty matrix

    vl_M = np.empty([len(X), len(Y)])

Fill matrix with all pairwise interval classes

    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        for j, y in enumerate(Y):
            vl_M[i][j] = vl_dist(x, y)
    return vl_M

x and y are pitch classes.

Returns the interval class between x and y.

def vl_dist(x, y):
    return min((x - y) % 12, (y - x) % 12)

A = [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10]
B = [6, 8, 10, 0, 1, 3, 4]

example voice leading

vld, chord1, chord2 = minimal_vl(A, B)

Minimal voice-leading distance: 4.0

print('Minimal voice-leading distance:', vld)

Minimal voice-leading path: (0, 2, 4, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10) -> (0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 10)

print('Minimal voice-leading path:', chord1, '->', chord2)