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music generations with Markov chains

import random
from music21 import corpus, stream, note

Find ngrams from a given list

def get_ngrams(seq, n):

Given a list seq returns a list of ngrams where each element is an n-tuple.

>>> seq = [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 7]
>>> find_ngrams(seq, 2)
[(1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 7)]
>>> find_ngrams(seq, 3)
[(1, 2, 1), (2, 1, 3), (1, 3, 1), (3, 1, 2), (1, 2, 7)]

    ngrams = []

Iterate over seq in n-sized slices each converted to an n-tuple and appended to ngrams.

    for i in range(len(seq) - n + 1):
        new_tuple = tuple(seq[i:i+n])
    return ngrams

Create Markov model from a given list


Given a list seq returns a Markov model of the given order as a dictionary. The keys are order-sized tuples. The value for each key is a list of elements in seq that immediately follow occurances of the key in the seq.

>>> seq = [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 7]
>>> markov_model(seq, 1)
{(2,): [1, 7], (3,): [1], (1,): [2, 3, 2]}
>>> markov_model(seq, 2)
{(1, 2): [1, 7], (1, 3): [1], (3, 1): [2], (2, 1): [3]}

def markov_model(seq, order):
    markov = {}

First use find_ngrams to slice seq appropriately.

    ngrams = get_ngrams(seq, order+1)

For each ngram in ngrams (where n = order + 1) the first (n - 1) elements are used as the key and the last element is appended to the list of possible continuations.

    for ngram in ngrams:
        except KeyError:
            markov[ngram[:-1]] = [ngram[-1]]
    return markov

Generate Markov chain


Given a list seq returns a Markov chain of the given order with a maximum length of the integer max_length.

def markov_chain(markov, order, max_length=20):

The start_state for the Markov chain is chosen randomly from a list of keys() in the markov dictionary.

    start_state = random.choice(list(markov.keys()))

Markov chain is a list beginning with the start_state.

    chain = list(start_state)

while loop to generate markov chain.

    while True:

Choose a random continuation, next_state from the elements of the value for the current start_state.

        next_state = random.choice(markov[start_state])
        if len(chain) >= max_length:

Concatenate next_state to start_state and use the appropriate slice of the resulting tuple as the new start_state.

        start_state = (start_state + (next_state,))[1:]
    return chain

create empty dictionary for Markov model

markov = {}

set order of the Markov model; experiment with changing the order

order = 2

sourceMaterial = corpus.parse('bach/bwv7.7')
for part in
        notes = part.flat.notes

Use tuples of note pitches and duration to create Markov model

        note_tuples = [(n.nameWithOctave, n.quarterLength) for n in notes]
        markov.update(markov_model(note_tuples, order))
chain = markov_chain(markov, order)

output = stream.Stream()

Convert chain of (pitch, duration) tuples to music21 note objects and append to output stream.

for ptch, dur in chain:
    output.append(note.Note(ptch, quarterLength=dur))